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Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Environment
152 Calea Victoriei Street, District 1, Bucharest, Romania
tel+40 21 4010543, fax +40 21 3150961
promoexport@dce.gov.ro www.dce.gov.ro

Romanian Trade and lnvestment
17Apotodor Street, District 5, Bucharest, Romania
teL +40 21 3185050, fax +40 21 3111491
oflice@traderom.ro www.traderom.ro

FIT - Future in Textiles Association
34 Bucium Street, 700265, Iasi, Romania
tel +44 232 415796 fax +4O 232 415792
office@fit21.ro www.fit21.ro

Logistics for the international fair:

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