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winery, recently built (the building was initiated in march of
2004 and the first party of wines was delivered in september of 2005)
is situated in a small town named Ceptura in the core of Dealu Mare
region, one of the most well-known viticultural areas of Romania. In
Dealu Mare region there grow wine sorts which thanks to climatic
conditions and soil structure are similar to those sorts which grow in
the famous region of French Bordeaux. The conditions are perfect for
cultivation of European wine sorts, such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot,
Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Itallian Riesling and Muscat
Ottonel. Especially precious is the wine Feteasca Neagra, that
grows only in this area.
Ceptura winery has the capacity of 10 million bottles per year and it is a project, which is financially sustained by European Union. The volume of investments in the building and exploatation of the unit rised up to aproximately five million euro. The squares of initial processing of grapes, warehouse and the two bottling lines – bottles and bag-in-box – reach 13 000 sq. m. The warehouse has a capacity to keep 8 million litres of wine, and in the section of initial processing of grapes there is a possibility to process up to 10 000 tons of grapes a season. Sections and departments of the enterprise are organized in a way to assure the most efficient use of labor force. For instance, production process is fulfilled by only 20 people. The winery is equiped with the most modern facilities of the top European producers, so the production is almost entirely automatized. The personnel assure the control of wine production, fix the equipment and identify that special nuance that makes a difference between a true wine, a product of a talented wine-maker and the other wines. This way the wine comes to become the most precious beverage in the world. ![]() |
新建设的葡萄酿酒厂(2004年3月开始建设,2005年9月就提供第一批葡萄酒)位于在罗马尼亚最有名之一的葡萄栽培区德亚卢马尔(Dealu Mare)地区的中心,在切普图拉小镇,由于德亚卢马尔地区的气候条件和土壤结构,就在本地区会种植与法国珀尔多葡萄相近的葡萄树。这里的天然条件特别让 适合欧洲的葡萄种类如:赤霞珠、梅洛、黑比诺、白苏维翁、莎当妮、意大利雷司令、奥托奈麝香葡萄等。还有特殊的Fetească Neagră(黑费泰斯克)葡萄唯一在本地区是合适种植的。 葡萄酿酒厂一年生产量为十百万瓶葡萄酒。这项投资方案受欧盟的财务支持,投资项目已达到了五百万欧元,主要于生产房和葡萄酒仓库。初步处理葡萄厂房、两条 装瓶生产线和有关葡萄酒的仓库都位于1万3千平方米面积。在仓库能存放葡萄酒8百万公升,在葡萄的初步处理厂房能在每年季节处理一万吨葡萄。 本单位的车间和各种部门的组织结构让有效使用劳动力量,即整个深产过程只包括20个工作人员。 因为葡萄酿酒厂的设备算欧洲最先进之一,所以葡萄酒生产线全部被自动化。工作人员会控制葡萄酒的处理过程,对设备进行调整并确定特殊的细微差别,使一间真 正的酒,一个被有天才做酒专家的葡萄酒生产的产品和其它葡萄酒的区别。这样的酒来,成为世界上最珍贵的饮料。 在葡萄酒的口味特征完善的重要作用,就是其在橡木桶老化。因此,葡萄酒获得了丰富的口感和特殊的柔软性。法国的木桶匠被称为是世界上最有名的,而本葡萄酿 酒厂持有1000木桶,都由世俗橡树造出的。每木桶装225公升葡萄酒,而9月2005年会品尝普拉霍瓦村„Prahova Estate. Premium”葡萄酒。 在独特的自然特性的葡萄酒保存最重要的成就是冷装瓶,在现今世界各地使用。这样的味道和新鲜的浆果香气保留原封不动,以及所有必要的营养成分。在所有切普 图拉酒厂深产的葡萄酒经过本处理过程。 |
CRAMA CEPTURA PRAHOVA Conty, CEPTURA, SAT CEPTURA DE JOS,ROMANIA, 107126 Tel. +40 21 224 10 90; Fax:+40 21 224 10 91 Email: office@crama-ceptura.eu www.crama-ceptura.eu |