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     The honey, this wonderful gift of nature, is one of the most important wonders of the hive, being considered by nutrition specialists a real source of health for the human body. Made by bees from the nectar of flowers, it has been used since ancient times, as a remedy in different therapies as well as in rituals and ceremonies.
Hippocrates recommended using natural honey to treat various gastrointestinal, renal or respiratory disorders.
Being considered one of the most powerful natural energiser, with a content of over 400 organic substances, the honey has numerous dietetic uses in order to strengthen the immune system of the body. According to Diodorus Siculus, the honey was also used as a preservative. Therefore, in order reach Egypt after a trip of about two years through the extremely intense heat of the desert without getting damaged, the body of Alexander the Great was embalmed and then immersed in honey. The oldest records about honey being used by people are represented by two fragments in Sumer-ian. Due to the ability to adapt to the climatic and vegetal conditions characteristic of our country, the Apis melifera carpatica bee, in other words, the Romanian Carpathian bee has adapted the most successfully to the climatic and harvesting conditions in Romania. According to the EU regulations, the term “honey” refers strictly to the natural honey processed by bees.

Depending on the melliferous species of plants from which the bees collect the nectar, the honey is divided in: - monofloral honey, obtained exclusively or to a large extent from the nectar of flowers from a single species: acacia, linden, sunflower, mint, raspberry, clover, poppy. - polyfloral honey, obtained from the processing of a nectar mixture from flowers of more than just one species of plants.
There are many differences among the honey varieties.
The differences may be either organoleptic (colour, flavour and
taste) or might be determined by lab analysis.
This is why a counterfeit honey may pass as natural.
The honey our company sells is 100% natural.

108 Vatra Luminoasa St., Build. C4, Groundfloor,
2nd District, 021919 Bucharest, Romania
Tel.: 0040 761 104 402 ; fax: 0040 312 24 24 12
Email: office@honey-queen.com
Web: http://san-giorgios.ro
Contact person: Mr. BRATU Constantin

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