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VIFRANA S.A. CONSTANTA is a company that not a long in the past decided to invest in agriculture and, as from the year 2006, became an vine-grower and as from 2009 and wine-producer too.

Since our beginning in this filed we choose for Organic production of grapes and wine. Thus VIFRANA developed an wine plantation on 130 hectares, placed on the sunny hills of the ancient Hercinics in the village named ADAMCLISI.

Two thousand years before us the Roman emperors conquered this territories and did exactly what we are doing today i.e. cultivated vine and produced wine. Archaeological and historical evidences, especially the artefacts placed on the triumphal monument erected by the Emperor Traian in the year 106, after he conquered this territory, tells everybody about the virtues of the land of ADAMCLISI in producing grapes and gorgeous wines. VIFRANA S.A. is only continuing today such an old and noble tradition and is doing that extremely proud and pouring into its entire energy and dedication.

Incinta Port  Constanta, Dana No. 15
Cladirea “Romtrans” , Etaj 3,
OP Port 900900, Constanta, Romania               
Tel:+ 40 241 550744
      + 40 241 550811
Fax:+ 40 241 552925   
E- mail: office @vifrana.rdsct.ro ; office@vifrana.eu

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