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The company's history
The company was set up in 1925 under the name of Sonametan  Medias. In 1948 it is called Partizanii Pacii, (Partisans of Peace) and in 1958 it turns into the Natural Gas Central Workshops. In 1969 it becomes a part of the Natural Gas Company of Medias and it is called “The Mechanical Plant for Natural Gas. In 1978 the new headquarters of 35 A Aurel Vlaicu Street becomes operating. In 1983 the company turns into the “Mechanical Enterprise of Natural Gas”. It has legal personality, and it is subordinated to the “Natural Gas Head Office of Medias and to the Oil Ministry. In 1990, on the basis of Law no. 15/1990 and the Government Decree no 1327/21.12.1990, it is set up ARMAX GAZ joint-stock company, a corporate body, registered under no. J32/127/1991 at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Sibiu district.

Present administrative condition
Since April 2000, S.C. ARMAX GAZ S.A. Medias is totally private, major stocks being acquired by Mr. Vescan Mircea Simion, becoming in this way the main shareholder, single manager and general director of the company.

Headquarters, location: Description of the zone and of the surroundings
Armax Gaz S.A. Joint-Stok Company Medias is situated in the center of Transylvania, in the municipality of Medias, a town with 65.000 inhabitants, in the district of Sibiu.
The headquarters is located in Medias no. 35A, Aurel Vlaicu Street, district of Sibiu, on an area of 2.8 hectares.
Sector II is situated in Medias, as well on 4-7 Virgil Madgearu Street, on an area of 1.8 hectares.
In both offices there are production departments, warehouses and functional departments.
The town of Medias is situated in Transylvania, in the centre of our country on the Tarnava-Mare river side. The first documentary attestation of the town has been dated since 1267. It's a tableland, especially rich in natural gas.
After the discovery in 1905 of gas in the area Medias has become the “capital” of gas in Romania.
The town is situated at 350 km away from Bucharest and at 160 km away from Brasov. The nearest airport is in Sibiu at a 55 km distance from Medias.

The company's major activities. The company's strategy:
Armax-Gas Joint-Stock Company Medias, has as main object of activity the manufacturing and commercialization of metallic manufactures,  equipments, spare parts, repairs and stand-by services for gas and oil field.
The most important products manufactured at the company are the followings:
• gas dehydration stations (GDS)
• regulating and metering stations for natural gas (RMS)
• gas impurities filters and gas separators
• crude oil and gas heaters
• safety and protection elements
• industrial and domestic pressure regulators
• industrial and domestic burners
• central heating boilers
• boilers
• hydraulic pumps
• gas flow metering devices, a.s.o.
The company produces all these product groups under ISCIR and TÜV certification, having the Certification for Quality Assurance according to ISO 9001 and for environment ISO 14001, too, products being appreciated by our foreign partners, having more than the medium European level.
Armax-Gaz S.A. is an authorized distributor of industrial gas meters produced by ACTARIS Concern of France.

Mr. Mircea Vescan - General Manager
551041 Mediaş, 35/A Aurel Vlaicu street , Sibiu county
Tel. +40269 845864; 845164;
Fax +40269 845956   
E-mail: office@armaxgaz.ro   

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