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    Apopi & Blumen  is  a  Romanian  company  with  an 100% private  capital,  which is functioning in the area of Iaşi and Moldova county since 1993. Initial concerned about the delivering of equipments and accessory for heating installations and natural gases, the company developed through expanding the team and the capacity of production, go further to activities more complex from the installation field of activity.
    Step by step, together with the market requirements and the obvious purpose of satisfy the customers, our company obtained, thanks to it's team skills and to the quality of labor conscription, the authorizations for designing, execution, assembling and installing for all category of installations from construction domain, as well as the certificates S.R.A.C. of the Systems of quality management ISO 9001, the system of environment management ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.
    The development rank of our company is attest of the existence of those three branches of activity: Design, construction production and operating the systems of distribution and delivery of natural gases.
    Each branch,  due  to it's structure and having the possibility  to work independently but likewise better, for the support of our customers, offering full package of assistance.
    Licentiate by the Authority for Reglementing in the Energy Domain, Apopi & Blumen is concessionaire and operator of public service of the distribution of natural gases in:
•    parish Miroslava (and the 7 villages afferent), Iaşi county;
•    Odobeşti town (and Unirea village, Vrancea county;
•    Panciu town, Vrancea county.
    The necessarily amount of investments which the company had to make in the establishment of the distribution system is high. In this sense has been imposed and is still imposing an  underline and an rigorously analyze of this investments both in the moment of performing and especially in perspective, whereas the service of the distribution and the delivery of natural gases is concessionate for 49 years, and the unfold of the activity is being reglementated by the A.N.R.N. (National Authority for Regalement the Energy Domain).
    We are permanently involved in the attract of the investments for the economic and social development of the places where we have concessionate the distribution of natural gases.
Taking into account the totally opening of the natural gases market starting with 01.07.2007, based on the Delivery License, we offer competitive services of delivery of natural gases for the industrials consumers from all over Romania.
    We are consistency following to fulfill objectives such as the increase of the profit and the efficiently usage of resources, the satisfaction of the demands coming from the clients, the improvement of labor organization and modernization of technology supplies, the increase of the professionalism rank in the relations with the business partners; selecting and training of the personal; flexibility of the organization structure, necessarily for the adaptability of the market's demands and, last but not least, assuring the quality of the achievements carry out.


Mr. Gheorghe Apopi - General Manager,
Mr. Bunescu Matei Lucian - Sales Manager
56 Cuza Voda street, Iasi county, Romania
Tel/Fax: +40232 212 266 / +40232 253 413
e-mail: apopisiblumen@yahoo.com

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