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  Romanian Commodities Exchange is officially established as a privately owned company on November 20, 1992, while the first trading session takes place on December 10, 1992. RCE functions as a joint stock company and is organized in accordance with the rules of traditional exchanges in the world. The RCE ownership structure is made up of 120 shareholders including: commercial banks, investment, brokerage and foreign trade companies.

After strongly promoting a commodities exchanges law in Romania, RCE finally functions under a specific legal framework, by the issuance of Law no. 357/2005 in December.

RCE has as main field of activity the management of public interest markets and develops, accordingly to the new law:
- sale and procurement procedures for commodities, services and works on auction market;
- transactions on spot and forward markets, on specialised floors for cereals, oil, oil products, coal, energy etc;
- sales and procurements of commercial receivables on receivables market;
- training on Exchange topics and courses/events on risk and project management, derivatives, management, investments and consultancy through BRM Business Consulting - educational division of the RCE.
Piata Presei Libere, Nr. 1, Sector 1, 013701, Bucharest
Phone: +40 21 317 4560
Fax: +40 21 317 2878
E-mail: bursa@brm.ro; pr@brm.ro

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