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  The Company MINERI S.R.L., situated in the locality Mineri, township Somova in Tulcea City, is based on the growing of taurines - milk cows and the processing and sailing of milk products.
  This firm was created in 1993 from the necessity of developing an activity based on the experience of family ovine growers, which came from Sibiu and set on the Danube lands.
   The beginning was difficult, generated by the fact that the activity in zooculture and most of all in growing the milk cows is extremely hard, expensive and inefficient.
Our company has started with 25 bovines; and then by bank credits,
that were available in that period, subventions in zooculture we increased
the number of animals, so that in this moment we have 152 heads of milk
In 1995 we started the construction of a milk processing factory,
initially with a capacity of 1000 l milk daily, witch we developed and
modernized, being able at this moment of making 15 000 l of milk daily.
With the entrance of Law 1 and the Lease Law, we leased from
physical person 200 ha, agricol land, that we process with our own farm
equipments obtaining the needed forages for the zooculture sector.
From 2005 we consider that we realized the complete cycle of forages
animals milk-processing processing factory distribution, the economical
and financial activity of our company being efficient.
Investing our own supplies and with bank credits we bought
equipments for the diversification of the obtained products, so that in this
moment we make all the milk products; the milk products that we are
making are:

- Milk
- Fat yoghourt
- Buttermilk
- Sweet sour cream
- Sour cream
- Fresh diet cheese
- Dobrogea cheese
- Fresh cream cheese
- Teleorman cheese
- Soft white cow cheese
- Soft white sheep cheese
- Soft white mixt cheese
- Process cheese

The investments have been used also for being able to continue the modernization program needed for the E.U. agreement.
We mention also the fact that our company has a closed circuit, we don't use chemical dung and herbicides, the processing of the milk products is without stabilizers, inhibitors, starch, dyestuffs or other ingredients, so we make ecological products, and we hope to introduce them on the E.U. market.
We consider that, this is the strongest point of our activity, and we hope to
satisfy that market segment that appreciates all the products of our company.
Now we are a part of the few profile companies, which in base of the modernization programs negotiated with D.S.V. Tulcea are in the agreement program of E.U.

Loc. Mineri, Com. Somova, judet Tulcea, ROMANIA
Phone: +40 240 514 797
Fax: +40 240 515 363
e-mail: pimm_tulcea@yahoo.com

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