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  For more than 10 years, we are the national leading provider of industrial maintenance solutions. We have five areas of concentration:
- industrial cleaning and maintenance
- water treatment and remediation
- plumbing
- pet care and specialty industrial supplies.
We also operate in Consultancy Management area and our main client is NCH Chemsearch Division,USA.

- Climatec Cleaner provides a comprehensive range of products and services to meet all the commercial cleaning needs from Airports to Offices, from Restaurants to Food Processing. What ever the commercial cleaning application Climatec is the partner that provides the right solution. Climatec products include chemical specialties, fasteners, welding alloys and plumbing parts, as well as maintenance supply products.

- Climatec offers a wide selection of quality lubricants and lubricant related services that span virtually every industrial and maintenance requirement. Our Research and Development Department has created a full range of lubricants to provide equipment protection against the destructive effects of load, heat and contamination. No matter what your need, you'll find the precise solution in our Lubricant Rang

- We offer full service programs for degreasing and cleaning parts in the industrial, manufacturing, and automotive sector. All our parts washing systems are designed to ensure that the performance levels match up to the most stringent safety and environmental regulations.
The Climatec solutions minimize the generation of hazardous waste.
Izvoarele,Prahova County
Phone: +40 744 316 206
Fax: +40 244 599 901

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