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S.C. HIDRAULIC S.A. MOINESTI was founded in 2002, having as primary business "the supply of services related to oil and gas extraction".
In a market dominated by strong drilling companies, our company has imposed gradually, reaching today's top firms in this field, thanks to a modern development strategy and through the efforts of a young and dynamic management team.
Our company services have diversified in time besides drilling operations; we have been developing access roads, platforms for wells, electric lines, environment protection works.
Since 2007 we have performed work over operations for wells, and from the beginning of this year we carry out repairing and maintenance services for well-testing.
With each year our business has grown, financial performance and market share are a proof of this.
1. Drilling Services
One of the main objectives of our company was the purchase of the latest equipment, which, besides increasing the degree of operation, can ensure a higher productivity, while reducing the physical effort of our operational staff.
We have in our in operating inventory 7 drilling rigs, with a maximum load capacity of 440,000 lbs and 2 work-over equipments, certificated and approved, in accordance to the highest demands of our business partners.
2. Well-testing and capital repairs
Since 2007 we have established the Well-testing and Work-over Departments.
Until now we have performed high-complexity operations on over 30 wells.
3. Drilling services for water
The high demand for drilling wells for water has led us, starting with 2009, to execute such drilling applications. We own 2 high performance rigs specialized in drilling wells for water, being able to accomplish complex drilling services, in any technical conditions, with the demands required by the beneficiary.
We carry out high quality works with a low execution time.
4. Rig up / Rig down services, land planning and providing for utilities
We perform all types of operations related to well-drilling, starting with transport services, wells location and access roads planning, water and electricity supply, rig-up/down services, restore land to agriculture, operations with a high degree of complexity in difficult conditions;
We are certified on quality management system, environmental, occupational safety and health standards with the following standards ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2005 and SR OHSAS 18001:2008.

Adresse: 10, Tristan Tzara Street, Moinesti, 605400,
Bacau County, Romania
Phone: 0040 234 367 730 Fax: 0040 234 362 541
E-mail: office@hidroelectric.ro www.hidroelectric.ro
Contact person: Radu Apostu

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