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Key strategic role
    Transelectrica is the Romanian Transmission and System Operator (TSO) with a key strategic role in the Romanian electricity market. It manages and operates the electricity  power system and transmission grid, providing transmission services for  electricity transactions among Central and South  Eastern countries, as a member of UCTE (Union for Coordination of Transmission of Electricity) and ETSO (Association of European Transmission and System Operators).
Stable and reliable
    Transelectrica ensures the stable and reliable operation of the Romanian Power System (RPS) stability and reliability and is responsible for electricity transmission services, power system and wholesale electricity market operation, electricity transmission grid and market infrastructure development. It guarantees a regulated third party access to the Romanian electricity transmission network under transparent, non-discriminatory and fair conditions to all market participants, while also serving as the  physical main link between electricity supply and demand, making continuously the balancing to  match in real time power generation with demand.
    Transelectrica operates according to the Electricity Law and the secondary legislation:  the Transmission and System Operator Licenses, Electricity Transmission Grid Code, Electricity Wholesale Market Commercial Code, Commercial Code and the Metering Code.
-    The Romanian state through the Ministry of Economy and Finance  holds 73.7% of Transelectrica's share capital
-    Co Proprietatea Fund holds 13.5% of its share capital
-   Other shareholders own 12.8% of the share capital floating on the Bucharest Stock Exchange.
-   To ensure the Romanian power system reliable and stable operation,
-   To  provide national electricity market infrastructure
-   To secure a regulated access to the Romanian electricity transmission grid under transparent, non- discriminatory and fair conditions to all market participants.
To become the technical and operational authority of the Romanian power  system and the     key-transmission operator in South-East Europe, while operating the national    transmission  grid interconnected to UCTE and providing electricity wheeling to the regional and European internal electricity market
Main objectives
•    to make its own services competitive by reducing the associated costs
•    to obtain adequate operational revenues, reflecting the current business risks
•    to increase the company’s financial soundness
•    to keep on improving its ratings for internal and external financial debts
Transelectrica’s main strategic objective is turning the traditional transmission grid into a smart, market oriented grid.


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