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S.N.G.N. „ROMGAZ” S.A. is the most important producer and supplier of natural gas in Romania. The company was founded in 2001, inheriting a vast experience of almost 100 years in the field natural gas of exploration and exploitation since 1909 when the first gas commercial reservoir was found at Sărmăşel-2 well.  

S.N.G.N. ROMGAZ S.A. is a joint stock company of national interst where the state, through the Ministry of Economy and Finance, is the majority shareholder.

The national gas company explores 150 reservoirs through:
•    3550 productive wells;
•    24 compressor stations;
•  6 underground gas storages with a capacity of 2760 mil mc/cycle;
•    51 drying stations.

The main objects of Romgaz are as follows:
• Geological   survey  for hydrocarbon discoveries;
• Natural gas and condensate production and supply;
• Natural  gas  underground storage in depleted reservoirs;
•   Natural    gas  import;
•   Natural gas commercialization;
•  Special operations and service sat wells;
•    Research, reservoir and technological engineering.

Romgaz was recently reorganized in 5 subsidiaries: 2 production subsidiaries, 1 underground storage subsidiary and 1 technological transportation subsidiary.

Romgaz strategic objectives are:
•   Consolidation of position on the Romanian gas market by means of increased competitiveness considering the competition generated by divesification of natural gas sources;
•   Extended gas reserves and resources portfolio by enhanced geological research activity;
•  Ensuring  the  security,  continuity  and flexibility in natural gas supply by developing the capacities and divesifying the undergraound storage services;
•    Reducing the impact of performed activities on the environment;
•   Increasing costumer's satisfaction by imporving the quality of supplied products and services.

Mr. Francisc Toth - General Manager
4 C.I. Motas Square, Medias, Romania
Tel: +4-0269-201020;
Fax: +4-0269-846901

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